THE HABITS & HOME SHOW | Decluttering & Systems for Christian ADHD Moms
If you’re an ADHD mom trying to show the love of Jesus to your family but the clutter in your home keeps you overwhelmed and frustrated, you have come to the right place! On this podcast, you will hear easy step-by-step tips to declutter and create systems so you can keep your home organized and finally walk in the peace God has promised you. Need some accountability? I’ve got you covered there too. Join The Accountability Club a community of like-minded mamas decluttering and systemizing our homes together! Are you ready friend? Let’s get started! FREE DOWNLOAD: Daily Reset Checklist Private Coaching JOIN THE ACCOUNTABILITY CLUB:
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
078 \\ 3 Tips for Cleaning Your Home in Less Time with Daily Habits
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
You want a clean home but it just feels like it takes so long to clean it. When you finish cleaning, you turn around and it's a mess again.
So you give up or let it build up until the weekend and spend most of your Saturday cleaning your home. Your family may be living life while you're building up bitterness and resentment because you HAVE to clean.
Friend, let's stop that weekly cycle dead in its tracks. What you need is to identify cleaning zones in your home, set up your systems and routines, and delegate responsibilities to your family members.
In this episode, I'm sharing three tactical tips to help you stop the endless cycles of "deep cleaning" and show you how resets and habits can help you clean in less time. You'll have more time to spend doing the things you actually love.
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Thursday Oct 13, 2022
077 \\ Change Your Life and Your Habits with a 100 Day Challenge with Whitney Kregar
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Are you tired of your house being a mess? Are you fed up with your car being a wreck? You may even be tired of your body being a hot mess. Have you been struggling to stick to your family's monthly budget and you find yourself inconsistent with it?
I've been there myself and sometimes I find myself there again but I've found one main thing that helps me get out of the rut and to change my life. Habits. When I'm fed up with where I am I take a healthy look at my habits and how they're serving or hindering my progress.
On today's episode, I'm talking with Whitey Kregar about how she uses a 100-day challenge to overhaul her habits and improve her life. If you're ready to make some changes in your life, join us in this conversation and in these challenges. Go all in and let's create a better life!
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Thursday Oct 06, 2022
076 \\ 4 Minimalist Tips for Decluttering Your Closet This Fall
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
The seasons are changing and cool air is on its way. You know what that means - making room in your closet for all your fall and winter clothes.
The best way to make more space in your closet for what you actually enjoy wearing is to declutter and systemize your seasonal clothes and in this episode, I'm sharing with you four seasonal decluttering and organizing tips you may not have thought of.
Set a date, grab some trash bags, and a friend, and let's declutter your closet!
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Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
When you hear the word minimalism what comes to your mind?Do you think of a bare house without any decor or character? Do you think strict rules of not being able to buy or own anything? Or do you think of giving away all your possessions to live in a tiny home?Well, let me tell you that minimalism isn’t any of that. I mean yes it can look like that for some people but the majority of people who choose a minimalist lifestyle do so for this one main reason - to live in a way that is not too overwhelming or beyond their capacity.Most of us do not live minimally. And it’s not just with the number of things we own. We take on too many projects, say yes to too many invites, and cave to too much marketing. The fact of the matter is that we let our lives control us instead of us controlling our lives.In today’s episode, I’m chatting with my friend Camie Wilke as she shares her journey with minimalism as a work-from-home businesswoman who has plans to grow her family through adoption. She shares what led to her decision to become a minimalist and how she was able to get her sentimental husband on board. She also shares her dreams of continuing her minimal lifestyle when she becomes a mom. I hope our conversation inspires you to explore the idea of minimalism a little further.Now before we dive into our conversation, I want to know how your daily resets are going. Are you finding the mindset of simple daily resets to be helpful in managing the mess in your home?
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Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Do you want your children to thrive? Well, of course you do. What parent doesn't? But what does thriving actually look like? And what does it take to get there?
On today's show, I have Jodi Mockabee, homeschooling mom of five and author of the book The Whole & Healthy Family. We discuss what she has learned in the trenches of motherhood and how she has helped her kids thrive in mind, body and spirit.
We also cover how to talk to our kids about sex in a way that is natural and brings families closer together. It's a great conversation you won't want to miss.
With love and straight truth, Lisa
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Thursday Sep 08, 2022
073 \\ Just Because You Have the Room Doesn’t Mean You Need to Fill It Up
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
How do you make your home feel cozy? Do have to fill it up with stuff so it feel more like "home?"
Well, I'm here to tell you that you can have a cozy, warm home without all the clutter. We went from a 2400 square foot home to a 300 square foot tiny house and then back to a 2000 square foot farmhouse. I've been able to make our farmhouse feel quaint and cozy without filling it full of unnecessary clutter.
But where did it all start and how was I able to retrain myself not to hoard things just because I had the room? I conditioned myself to be okay with bare space by leaving cabinets, drawers and closets empty.
So join me on this tough love episode to get motivated to declutter your home and learn to be okay with the empty spaces in your home.
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Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
My life is different now that I don't procrastinate.
Today marks the one-year anniversary of my podcast, The Habits and Home Show, and also signifies the day I decided to stop being a procrastinator.
On the very first episode of the podcast on September 1, 2021, I shared my personal struggle with procrastination and how I had felt led to start the podcast months earlier but I kept putting it off.
I shared that perfectionism and a fear of failure had been holding me back from launching the podcast but that I was done with my overthinking and worrying about doing it "wrong" so I forced myself to JUST. LAUNCH. THE. PODCAST.
That declaration and overcoming the need for perfection was a turning point for me. I no longer identified as a procrastinator and my actions this past year have solidified that belief about myself.
Anytime there was an opportunity to put a task off, my inner belief about myself wouldn't let me. It kind of felt off. Like I was going against the very nature of my being.
Anytime I thought about putting a task off until later, I found anxiety starting to creep in and I refused to let myself get into that state again because I just wasn't a place that I was able to thrive and be my best self.
That "off feeling" became the trigger for me to take action and because of me developing that constant action taking habit this past year, I have reaped many rewards and today I'm sharing 5 simple but powerful five things I've gained from giving up the habit of procrastination this past year.
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Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
071 \\ Is Balance in Our Home and Motherhood Even Possible? with Michelle Hiatt
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Do you find yourself always saying that you need to find balance in your motherhood and in your home? Do you wonder if balance is even possible?On the show today, Michelle Hiatt is revealing some gold nugget facts about balance and it's not going to be the answer you're expecting. Actually, it's much more simpler than what you're probably thinking.
This episode is going to help lift off of you some of the pressure to perform that you have placed on yourself. Get ready to walk away lighter and more free!
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Friday Aug 12, 2022
070 \\ 5 Minute Friday - Moms, Stop Doing THIS Around Your Daughter
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Stop talking about your weight around your daughter. This includes dieting and self-hatred comments. It's forming a negative self-image and other detrimental side effects. Do this instead! Speak life over yourself!
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Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
It's a new school year and you want to make sure you're organized. Don't worry, I've got you covered with this simple 5 step checklist for decluttering your homeschool.Need some encouragement to throw away the craft supplies you're still holding on to years later? What about all that unused curriculum that you're saving for the next child knowing that you're not sure if you'll really use it? Yep! We're giving it away!I'm also going to help you set up your homeschool classroom area with some organizing tips and ideas for daily upkeep. Let's get organized!
With love and straight truth, Lisa