THE HABITS & HOME SHOW | Decluttering & Systems for Christian ADHD Moms
If you’re an ADHD mom trying to show the love of Jesus to your family but the clutter in your home keeps you overwhelmed and frustrated, you have come to the right place! On this podcast, you will hear easy step-by-step tips to declutter and create systems so you can keep your home organized and finally walk in the peace God has promised you. Need some accountability? I’ve got you covered there too. Join The Accountability Club a community of like-minded mamas decluttering and systemizing our homes together! Are you ready friend? Let’s get started! FREE DOWNLOAD: Daily Reset Checklist Private Coaching JOIN THE ACCOUNTABILITY CLUB:
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
088 \\ CLIENT CHECK-IN: Declutter and Create Systems that Stick
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
It's a brand new year and I bet you are motivated to get your home organized. You may even be overwhelmed by all the stuff the Christmas holiday brought to your house. It's time to DECLUTTER and SIMPLIFY your home!
In this podcast episode, I'm checking in with one of my organizing and decluttering clients, Allison Morrison, to see how her home is ONE YEAR after our decluttering session of her entire house.
She gives us the honest truth about whether she's been able to keep her home minimal and organized. She also shares with us how she feels about having another baby, her third child, now that her home is organized and clutter-free. She also gives up the scoop on her maintenance routine.
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Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
087 \\ 5 Steps to Simplify Your Kitchen for Good - The Decluttering Course is LIVE!
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Over the past couple of weeks, I've heard so many of y’all saying that you’re ready to start decluttering your home. Maybe it’s the New Year or being cooped up during the winter months that makes us want to really CLEAN HOUSE.
Are you feeling that way too? Are you antsy to clear the clutter and get your home organized?
ME TOO, SISTER! I'm going into 2023 with a big RESET and I would love for you to join me.
The first space in our home we're tackling is our kitchen, and I have a simple online course to walk you through decluttering and organizing your entire kitchen!
Today, I’m going to walk you through the 5 modules I cover in the Simplify Your Kitchen course. If you’re scrappy then you can listen to these 5 steps and take off.
However, if you’re someone who wants MORE, even though you may be a little scrappy, I definitely recommend going through the course. You are going to get way more than what I share in this episode. It will be well worth your time and the small investment.
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Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
086 \\ How to Create a Cozy Hygge Home for the New Year with Jenny Good
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
The Christmas holiday is over, and we’ve already started taking down Christmas decorations in our home. I used to leave up the Christmas tree into the new year, but I just find that I'm really energized and eager to go ahead and reset my home.
I do love the coziness that Christmas tends to bring and it does kind of make me sad when I start to take down Christmas decorations since they make our home feel cozy and festive. It's somewhat of a letdown once all of the decorations are packed away.
On today's episode, I'm chatting with Jenny Good about hygge, which is a way of living that brings a lot of coziness and warmth to your home. I thought it would be a great topic to cover after the Christmas season when we start to pack up Christmas decorations and our homes start feeling a little sparse and bare.
Join us as we discuss how you can bring some hygge to your home after the holidays to create a cozy and warm atmosphere in your home again.
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Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
085 \\ How to Declutter Your Kid’s Bedroom - Step by Step
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Last week I shared with you 3 Ways to Declutter Your Kids' Toys and this week I'm getting into the nitty gritty of what that actually looks like. Other podcasters and professional organizers have overcomplicated steps for decluttering and I'm giving you just THREE. Clear the space, sort the items, and stage the space with the items you decided to keep. Simple as that!
You may eager to declutter and downsize your kids' toys right before Christmas but please wait until after the holiday celebrations. It's too close and your child may be more willing to declutter after he's seen all the new stuff he's received. Plus it will take a lot of the pressure off of you and you can just enjoy your family without becoming a "mean mommy."
Here are 3 steps for decluttering your kid's toys and bedroom! I hope this empowers you to create an environment that is simple and easy to manage.
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Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
If you are a mom, more than likely your kids have toys and it’s so easy for kids toys to accumulate and get out of control. When toys become cluttered, that means they are no longer played with or given attention, it's good to take some time to declutter. This is a good practice to get into especially around holidays and birthdays when kids are receiving gifts and new toys.
You've probably experienced how clutter in other parts of your home can make you feel very overwhelmed and weighed down. Did you know that kids can feel that too with their own possessions? Just like you they may lack the skills to declutter and let go of what they no longer need.
As parents, it's a great idea to teach our kids the process of decluttering. It's okay if you don't have these skills yourself. I'm here to teach you and walk you through learning how to declutter your stuff, simply your home and create habits to keep it that way.
In this podcast episode, I'm going over three ways to approach decluttering your kids' toys and when you might want to use each approach. Stay tuned in until the end because I share my favorite way of decluttering kids' toys. It's probably something you wouldn't expect.
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Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
083 \\ How to Communicate with Your Husband to Get His Help Around the House
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Do you want to get more help around the house but you’re a little nervous to talk with your husband about this? Maybe you have in the past and it turned into a fight. Perhaps your tone was a little bit too harsh.
Are you like me? I can sometimes be a straightforward and blunt person, and I don’t really sugarcoat things too well. Jered has to remind me to just change my tone. Say the same thing in a different way and then he will definitely want to do it. Are you like that? Do you struggle with your tone of voice when you’re asking for help?
On this episode, Lydia Santos from The Jar Podcast is sharing with us how we can communicate with our husbands to recruit them to help out around the house.
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Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
082 \\ Client Check-In: Overwhelmed Mom of Four Decluttered Her Home
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Do you ever wonder what it's really like to work with a professional organizer? Or do you wonder if people actually change and keep up with tidying up?
In this episode, I'm checking in with my friend Kristen a couple of weeks after we decluttered her house. She shared with us how stressful it was having stuff everywhere, her fears about decluttering and minimizing things in her home, how her family reacted, and how her mindset has changed since our session.
If you're a frazzled mom overwhelmed by all the stuff in your home, you will find this discussion relatable and inspiring. Let's declutter and let it go, friend! You will feel so much freer.
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Thursday Nov 17, 2022
081 \\ 10 Minimalist Christmas Gift Ideas that Aren’t Wasteful
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Are you dreading the holiday season because of all the Christmas gifts that will clutter up your house? Gifts that your kids might play with one time and then lose interest shortly after.
Mama friend, I'm right there with you! That's why this year I am becoming more mindful of my purchases, learning set boundaries and saying "no, thank you," and giving gifts that aren't wasteful.
This time of the year can be difficult for moms who are trying to live more minimally so, in this episode, I'm sharing with you ten minimalist Christmas gift ideas that aren't wasteful.
With love and straightforward truth, Lisa
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Saturday Nov 12, 2022
080 \\ 5 Areas to Declutter in Your Fantasy Life for Minimalist Moms
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
How many items are you hanging onto in the home that you used to use for a certain hobby that you're not doing anymore? Are you holding onto things that you collect because you had dreams of learning to play a musical instrument or working out at home?In this episode, I'm bringing to your attention five areas in your fantasy life to help you let go of the clutter that is possibly causing you overwhelm, anxiety or disappointment in yourself. If you started something and didn't finish it or wanted to be a certain type of mom and that person is just not you during this season of your life, I'm giving you permission to LET IT GO. You are not a failure and you don't need items in your home reminding you of fictitious expectations you just didn't live up to. You deserve to be free.
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Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
079 \\ Stop cleaning your house! Do THIS instead! - Habits for Minimalist Moms
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Are you fed up with the mess around your house? Are you tired of feeling like no matter what you do it's just never clean enough? Are you searching for a way to keep your home tidy only to continually circle Pinterest for the best cleaning tips?Friend, stop the madness! It's time to adopt a reset mindset!Tidying can be as simple as you standing up to leave the room looking around to see if there is anything that you can reset. Do you see anything that is out of place that needs to return to its home?I have stopped cleaning my house all the time and I've learned how to simply reset my home. If it takes me too long at the end of the night to reset, then that means I have too much stuff and that I need to declutter. I need to simplify my possessions and create some systems.On this episode, I'm sharing with you some of my minimalist mom habits and how I use the habit of resetting to tidy my home at the end of the day. Friend, these daily habits can help you too. Let's stop making excuses and stop blaming your circumstances or other people that we just have too much to do. Let's declutter all the extra stuff and start streamlining your reset habits one step at a time.With love and straight truth, Lisa
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