THE HABITS & HOME SHOW | Decluttering & Systems for Christian ADHD Moms
If you’re an ADHD mom trying to show the love of Jesus to your family but the clutter in your home keeps you overwhelmed and frustrated, you have come to the right place! On this podcast, you will hear easy step-by-step tips to declutter and create systems so you can keep your home organized and finally walk in the peace God has promised you. Need some accountability? I’ve got you covered there too. Join The Accountability Club a community of like-minded mamas decluttering and systemizing our homes together! Are you ready friend? Let’s get started! FREE DOWNLOAD: Daily Reset Checklist Private Coaching JOIN THE ACCOUNTABILITY CLUB:
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Are you good at organizing and decluttering but you're still overwhelmed in your home? You know you're able to do it on your own, but for one reason or another, you're just not doing it. Maybe something more important always comes up and keeps you from decluttering your home and getting organized. My client Tearra felt the same way until she finally got help.
In this episode, she shares how I was able to help her let go of a lot of stuff she was hanging on to and how working with me gave her the motivation and accountability to follow through. She shares that she feared her kids would miss their stuff but she reported that they haven't missed it at all. We cover everything; consistency, resetting, habits with kids, and more! I hope this blesses you!
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Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Slow living doesn't mean you're moving through life at a slow pace but rather it's an intentional mindset to live more simply. Stephanie O'Dea from the Slow Living podcast is sharing with us her passion for getting things over and done quickly and efficiently so she can do the things she really wants to do. For this reason, she is known for utilizing her crockpot 365 days out of the year. She says, "If you want to craft out “the life of your dreams” — the trick is to slow down.
Stephanie's Podcast
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Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
105 \\ How I Organized My Digital Photos and Home Videos
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Do you have a couple of old computers around your house that you have absolutely no idea what to do with? You don't want to just throw them away because you know there are some old pictures and home videos on there that you don't want to lose.
But sadly you haven't even looked at those pictures or videos in years. If you're not very techy you're probably overwhelmed at the thought of transferring them to your new computer so you just keep putting it off and those laptops and computers keep following you from home to home.
That's exactly what I did with two laptops I had been hanging on to for years. One of those laptops I purchased when I was in college twenty years ago.
I've had several clients lately who I helped declutter and recycle their computers and it motivated me to finally take care of my own. And it was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be so I'm sharing with you exactly what I did to declutter my old computers and how I personally organize my old photos and home videos.
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Saturday Mar 25, 2023
104 \\ 3 Home Management Systems to Make Your Life Easier
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Are you looking for some home management systems to make your life easier and more simplified? In this episode, I'm sharing three SIMPLE box systems I've used for several years that have helped me stay organized in my home. Take some time to get these three simple systems in place so that you can feel less overwhelmed and on top of your game as a mom and homemaker.
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Thursday Mar 23, 2023
103 \\ How to Organize Your Seasonal Clothes for Unfocused or ADHD Moms
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Are you ready to spring clean and you're wondering what's the best way to organize and store your seasonal clothes, then tune in to this episode. I'm sharing with you two options for organizing your seasonal clothes if you have a hard time staying focused or have ADHD.
Don't miss my surprise bonus tip for you at the end!
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Friday Mar 17, 2023
102 \\ How To Remain Calm with Your ADHD Child’s Messy Bedroom
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Do you feel easily triggered when your child's bedroom is messy yet again? Do you lose your cool and say things you regret because you're frustrated with the constant mess and disorganization? Does your child have ADHD and you can't figure out how to help him stay organized?You are not alone and I'm here to help! I can help you identify the root cause of the chaos in your home, manage your mindset and what easily sets you off, and create an environment that supports the life-changing habits you desperately long for.Today I'm sharing how you can remain calm when your ADHD child's bedroom is a mess. Take a deep breath! You've got this!
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Friday Mar 10, 2023
101 \\ Declutter 101 - How to Declutter Your Entire House and Stay Focused
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Have you started decluttering many times but because of distractions or not being able to focus, you never follow through and finish? Do you feel trapped between wanting to change your home and habits and not being able to take the first step?
Let's take the overwhelm out of decluttering your home and simplify the process. In this episode, I'm walking you through the exact steps I follow as a professional home organizer with my clients. Put these steps into action and you will have a clutter-free home!
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Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Have you been experiencing crippling depression that has caused led to your home becoming cluttered and disorganized? Then, does the clutter and disorganization in your home contribute to your depression? Do you find yourself trapped in this cycle and can't find the energy or focus to take the first step to make your home better so that you can get control of your emotions and tackle your depression?
This is why I coach people through decluttering, organizing, and systemizing their homes through my online courses and virtual decluttering sessions. Listen to this episode to hear one of my client's transformational story and how decluttering and organizing her home helped give her the capacity to address her depression!
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Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Do you ever feel guilty for yelling at your kids because you were so angry? Do you wish you could remain calm even in chaotic situations? Elizabeth Andreyevskiy from the Emotionally Healthy Legacy Podcast is sharing with us why we feel triggered by anger in our home and what we can do to regulate our emotions and take back control of our motherhood.
Listen to Emotionally Healthy Legacy
Connect with Elizabeth
Elizabeth's FREE Guide to Calm
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Thursday Mar 02, 2023
098 \\ How to Organize Sentimental Items for a Clutter-Free Home
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Are you a sentimental mama who keeps a lot of your child's drawings, handprints, first outfits, handwriting samples, and so on? Don't worry. I'm not going to convince you not to be sentimental and throw all those things away.
I am going to help you organize it all because I bet you have all those precious sentimental items hidden in random places all over your house. Your ears are probably perked up now because I probably speaking directly to you and the mess you're struggling over with all those sentimental items laying around your home.
On today's episode, I want to help you get all those childhood sentimental items decluttered, sorted, and organized in a way that you can keep on enjoying those priceless items without them becoming cluttered in your home.
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