THE HABITS & HOME SHOW | Decluttering & Systems for Christian ADHD Moms
If you’re an ADHD mom trying to show the love of Jesus to your family but the clutter in your home keeps you overwhelmed and frustrated, you have come to the right place! On this podcast, you will hear easy step-by-step tips to declutter and create systems so you can keep your home organized and finally walk in the peace God has promised you. Need some accountability? I’ve got you covered there too. Join The Accountability Club a community of like-minded mamas decluttering and systemizing our homes together! Are you ready friend? Let’s get started! FREE DOWNLOAD: Daily Reset Checklist Private Coaching JOIN THE ACCOUNTABILITY CLUB:
Wednesday May 24, 2023
117 \\ 3 Proven Strategies to Clean Less and Have More Fun with Your Kids This Summer
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Summer is here, and I know you'd much rather be making memories with your kids than scrubbing the floors all day.
After all, it's essential to cherish those special moments and let yourself enjoy life by having fun, instead of constantly worrying about the never-ending house chores.
In this episode, I'm going to share 3 proven strategies that'll help you clean less and spend more time with your kids this summer.
Get ready to dive into creating task management systems, developing time management habits, and building an idea bank of exciting summer activities for the whole family.
It's time to put down your broom and grab a boogie board!
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Wednesday May 17, 2023
116 \\ 4 Mistakes You’re Making with Your Home Management Habits (And How to Fix Them)
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
As a busy mom, you know that maintaining a clean, tidy, and clutter-free home can feel like a never-ending challenge. It's not just about keeping up appearances; having effective home management habits impacts productivity, time management, and overall well-being.
I understand that you want to create a comfortable and organized space for your family to thrive, and that's why I'm here to help you transform your home cleaning habits and home management systems.
In this podcast, we're going to take a closer look at 4 common mistakes that might be preventing you from achieving the clutter-free home you desire, and most importantly, I'll provide practical tips and strategies to help you overcome these hurdles.
By addressing these pitfalls, you'll not only save time but also reduce your stress and create a more peaceful home for your family.
Let me know if you try any of these! Also, if this episode blesses you, share it with a friend and leave a review! Thank you soooo much! - XO
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Wednesday May 10, 2023
115 \\ 5 Simple Phrases to Say to Your Kids to Get Their Help Cleaning the House
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Do you want your kids to help out around the house but you don’t know exactly what to say to them to actually get them to do it? Maybe when you do ask for their help they come back at you with an attitude or they’re arguing with you. Maybe you ask multiple times and even start nagging them which leaves you frustrated and never wanting to ask for their help again. I know the feeling!
In this episode, I'm sharing with you five phrases I've been saying to my kids that have helped encourage them to clean up around the house and manage their own messes better. Of course, ALWAYS start with laying a foundation of love and respect as it's so important. And always start with changing YOUR habits and routines first. Your kids need to see your consistency before they can improve their own.
Let me know if you try any of these! Also, if this episode blesses you, share it with a friend and leave a review! Thank you soooo much! - XO
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Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Have you ever heard of the term Swedish death cleaning? Does that stir up any emotions or feelings for you? Does it make you feel uncomfortable to talk about anything that has to do with death?
Let me just tell you it’s not something that you have to be afraid of and that approaching decluttering in this way can provide you with just the motivation you need to simplify your home and get it organized.
Swedish death cleaning is simply decluttering your home and preparing it in a way that makes life easier for your family in case of an unexpected passing. The added benefit of doing it during the early years of life is that you get to experience a life of less burdensome clutter. Who wouldn't want that?!
Join me in this episode as I’m talking with Emily McDermott from the Moms Overcoming Overwhelm podcast about our experiences with doing a Swedish Death Cleaning in our homes during our 30's and how it's allowed us to gain more peace of mind in our homes. Check out her blog and FREE resources.
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Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
I’m gonna share with you something that I only share with my coaching clients. Decluttering is NOT the answer! WHAT?!! Nope, it’s not.
You may have typed in "decluttering," "organizing," or "minimalism" to get you to this show. Yes, I do talk about all of those topics, but more importantly, I have a learned that no matter how little you own in your home, you will not love your home or experience peace of mind, unless you establish simple and sustainable home management habits.
Sure, we're going to clear the clutter, and yes, we’re going to get organized, but more importantly, we want to create systems so that we have sustainable home management habits.
In today's episode, we're going to discuss some reasons why decluttering is not the answer and how creating systems in your home is going to help you build those home management habits. We're covering it all from decluttering to time blocking to better self-care. Let's dive in!
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Friday Apr 28, 2023
112 \\ Habit Hacking Your Fitness and Food Freedom with Emily Nichols
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Wanting to lose weight, eat healthier and meal plan is a topic that always comes up during my coaching sessions with my clients. However, they typically say they feel stuck from moving forward in those areas because their home is too cluttered and their life is too chaotic. It always amazes me how much more motivated and capable clients are to take better care of themselves once we work together to declutter and organize their lives.
Emily Nichols from the Self Transformed podcast knows all too well that clearing the clutter is essential for having the capacity to build healthier habits. She's shares how we can find fitness and food freedom through mindset transformation, simple healthy resets, and daily habit hacks.
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Thursday Apr 27, 2023
111 \\ 3 Habits You’re Doing in Your Home that Are Killing Your Productivity
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Have you ever found yourself saying one of these phrases? "I feel like a chicken with my head cut off!" "I feel like my hair is on fire!" "I feel like a hot mess express all of the time!"
I can definitely relate because I said those things multiple times throughout motherhood and my adult life. It wasn’t until I stepped back and realized that I was my own worst enemy and that I was the main one in my home causing the most chaos. It's true!
In this episode, I'm sharing with you three bad habits I was doing, and that you're probably doing too, that was keeping me from being productive in my home. These three mistakes stole time from me as a mom, kept me spinning in circles daily, and made me feel like I didn't have enough time in the day. When I stopped doing these three habits, I gained so much more time and freedom and it's my hope that you will too.
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Mentioned in the show:
Organize and Systemize Your Home Like an Assembly Line
Need some one-on-one coaching, support, and accountability with decluttering your home so you can create life-changing habits?
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Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Are you caught up in the comparison trap of what you think your home is "supposed to" look like? Do you look at other people's homes and it makes you feel like your own home isn't good enough? Maybe you think it's not organized, it doesn't have any style, or it's not good enough for the cover of a magazine. You really want to enjoy being a mom but you can't get the thoughts out of your head that you're just not good enough.
Friend, you ARE good enough! Sure, your home may benefit from a little tweaking here and there to help you with daily upkeep and home management but it doesn't have to look Pinterest perfect. That is all marketing that you have been sold for someone else's agenda.
In this episode, I'm sharing some straightforward coaching around comparing our homes and lives to other people's. I pray that it sets you free, helps you set healthy boundaries, and gives you the permission to create a lifestyle that is just right for you and your family. Let's turn off the noise, get to know what we actually want without outside influences, and develop a habit of contentment. It's only then that we will really be happy in our home.
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Need some one-on-one coaching, support and accountability with decluttering your home so you can create life-changing habits?
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Monday Apr 17, 2023
109 \\ Training Good Habits in Your Dogs and Pets for Better Home Management
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Do you have a dog or pet that is adding to the chaos in your home? You have too much clutter, no good home management systems and you're stressed out all the time because your house is always loud and a mess. And the pets just make it worse because you've lost all control. Do you feel like you're just surviving?
Your home doesn't have to be that way. It truly can be peaceful even with a ton of kids and pets.
In this episode, Jake Schneider from the Learn, Laugh, Bark podcast is sharing some tips with us on how to train our pets to have good habits so we can calm the chaos in our homes and have better home management.
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Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
108 \\ What to Do When My Adult Children Won’t Clean Up After Themselves
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
This episode is for moms with children at any age or stage but I'm specifically covering the topic of getting adult children to help out more around the house. If you are a mom of littles don’t tune this out or turn it off because there is always wisdom that you can glean from moms who have gone before you.
I'm answering a question from a frustrated listener who is struggling to get her adult, college-aged children to clean up after themselves. She has asked them several times but they just won't and it has left her frustrated. She knows she has probably enabled them when they were younger by not training them in good home management habits but she doesn't want this to cause continued tension in their relationship.
If you find yourself in a similar position, I'm sharing with you 4 steps you can take to help your adult children get on board with helping more around the house. These steps can be helpful for people of any age so I hope they bless you.
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